Once Upon a Time....A Bunch of Talented Pupils, Teachers and Stage Crew put on a Brilliant Show

Just Wow! Proud is an understatement. We're all buzzing, teachers, pupils and crew alike. What an incredible feeling. There have been moments of absolute despair and abject helplessness but we did it. Each and every pupil bounded on to that stage oozing passion, energy, presence and flare and. The atmosphere was electric!
Kids, Thank you so much for your dedication, hard work, talent, team work and amazing performances. Our hearts swelled as we watched you both on stage and off. Beautiful to see the camerardarie among you, the life-long friendships emerging, the team work skills, the mutual respect and support and the results speak for themselves. Stage crew - Craig Slack, Bobby Nottage and Tom Spowage - the show just wouldn't be possible without you. Thank you thank you thank you for your expertise, your hard work, the hours, the hefting, the focus, the support, the humour and the teamwork you bring to our school and to the event. We love you and are so grateful to have you on board. Massive thank you to Kerry for masterminding the creative vision for 'Once Upon a Time...' , running with her imagination and beautiful creativity and inspiring everyone to hop onboard. Thanks to ALL the teachers (Shirley, Kerry, Kelsey, Beth and Claire) for their amazing choreography, imagination, teaching expertise, nitpicking, perfecting, encouraging and cheerleading. What an amazing team! Thank you Shirley for all that you do, for being Miss Karen's Girl Friday :-) And thank you Miss Karen - Principal Teacher and Head of the school! You are one of a kind and none of this could happen without you. Your amazing teaching, the relationships you build, the energy you inject into the school, into every routine, every class, every show. Your handle on everything, your co-ordination, your tireless work both in front of and behind the scenes, your choreography, your teaching, music sourcing, errand running, organising, keeping everyone going, OWNING that headset :-), encouraging everyone. You're a power house, a legend and absolutely indispensable.