Clark School of Dance - Doncaster

Miss Karen Taylor
School Principal
Examiner and Adjudicator
F.B.A.T.D. Stage, Ballet & Modern
M.B.A.T.D. Stage, Ballet Modern & European National
A.B.A.T.D.Stage, Ballet, Modern & Jazz

Beth Turner
Dance Teacher
A. B.A.T.D.Ballet & tap
Membership Modern
Teachers at The Clark School
Shirley Butt
Assistant Princial
A.B.A.T.D. Ballet, Stage, Modern, Jazz, Acrobatic.

Kelsey Marsh
Freelance Choreographer, Dance Teacher and Melody Bear Facilitator
Leeds Dance Academy
A.B.A.T.D and ISTD
Stage, Jazz, Modern, Ballet

Kerry Nottage
Freelance Dance Teacher, Vocal Coach and Choreographer.
Diploma in Performing Arts - Italia Conti Academy of Theatre Arts
Associate I.S.T.D Tap & Modern Dance
A.B.A.T.D. Modern & Tap

Tracey Slack
Claire Moorhouse
Vocal Coach
Irene Clark 1938 - 2014
School Founder
Former principal, Examiner and Adjudicator